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Digital Microscope Scienscope Smart Cam MZ7-DSTL2-SC Measurement Microscope
Digital Microscope Scienscope Smart Cam MZ7-DSTL2-SC Measurement Microscope

Digital Microscope Scienscope Smart Cam MZ7-DSTL2-SC Measurement Microscope

Your Price: $3,499.00
Part Number:MZ7-DSTL2-SC

Package Options: 

·         CC-Smart Cam as above

·         MZ7 Micro Zoom Lens, with MZ7-CP-05, standard; 25 - 157x magnification, approximate

·         IL-LED-R1E High Intensity 6 point UV-Free LED Ring Light with intensity control

·         CC-LCD-22W   22” Color Wide Screen Monitor

·         CMO-ST-L2, Dual Illuminated Track Stand, Top and Back illumination

·         System does not include a glass master

1.3 Megapixel  1/2" CMOS color camera, C-mount, 1140 x 900 resolution @ 30 fps, basic measurement features (lines, distance, circles, arcs, square, polygon perimeters, angles, center to center distance), Store up to 6 calibrations, P/S mouse control, 2GB SD Card Slot, VGA output NO computer required


·         Wide screen format with No Distortion

·         High resolution

·         Resident basic manual measuring capability; No computer required; connects directly to a monitor

·         Perfect for production or quick convenient measurement

·         Measurement features:  lines / distances; circles; arcs; squares; polygon perimeters; angels; center to center distances

·         English and Metric units

·         PS/2 Mouse control for manual measurement and feature selection

·         Storage for up to six magnification calibration files

·         Image adjustment for:  exposure; contrast; R G B; auto exposure; white balance

·         Capture image on SD card by remote trigger

·         SD/USB 2.0 Dual Interface 2GB memory card included



·         Sensor:                                 CMOS; 1/2”

·         Resolution:                          1440 x 900, 16:9 Aspect Ratio

·         Pixel count:                           1.3 mega pixel

·         Video Output:                      Standard DB-15 VGA

·         Color:                                   RGB (individual adjustment)

·         White balance:                  auto/manual

·         Exposure:                            auto/manual

·         Contrast:                             manual

·         Capture mode:                  remote trigger

·         Memory slot:                     SD Card reader (2GB or lower)

·         Memory card:                    SD/USB 2.0 Dual-Interface 2GB card included

·         Lens mount:                       C-Mount

·         Power:                                 5 VDC/2A; adapter included

·         Camera size:                      L:  75; W:  65; H:  63  mm

·         Camera weight:                300g
  • At the top left of the toolbar sidebar are the calibration standard size selections, 0.1 mm and 1 mm.  Left click for selection.
  • To the right are the unit selections, MM or Inch.  Left click for selection.
  • Below that are the Calibration File selections, CF1 through CF6.  Left click.
  • Next below on the left, are two cross hair style selections.  Again, select by left click.
  • Next to the right is the cross hair color selection.  Left click.
  • And, next to that on the right is the selection for the edge indicator.  ‘A’ is manual, and 1 through 4 are increasing sensitivity of edge indication.  As the cross hairs change color, you are getting closer to the edge.  Left click for selection.  
  • Next below, is the selection of the feature type to be measured.
  • Below that, on the left, is ‘FR’ for freeze frame.  Left click to freeze an image; right click to unfreeze. 
  • Next to the right, left clicking on the big ‘X’ will delete all results.
  • To the right again, left click on the ‘Up Arrow’ to delete the last result.
  • Next to that, on the right, left click to select the font color on the results displayed on the image. 
  • The six spaces below are for the measured results.
  • Immediately below the measured results, it will indicate when an SD memory card is inserted. 
  • Below the results are sliders to manually adjust the image:  brightness; contrast; Red; Green; and Blue.
  • Below on the left, is the Auto White Balance.  Place a white object or paper at your desired illumination, left click, and wait a few seconds for the adjustment. 
  • Next on the right, is the ‘Auto Exposure’.  Left click for automatic exposure adjustment. 
  • Next, is the ‘Auto Gain Exposure’. Left and right click to toggle between high and low gain. 
  • And the last one, the camera icon, is to capture an image when an SD card is inserted.

To Measure

  • The system initializes in Metric units.  If you wish to use Inch units, left click on Inch.  Wait a few seconds after changing units for the system to process. 
  • Set the lens at your desired magnification.
  • Choose the corresponding magnification calibration file, CF1, CF2 … CF6, by a left click.
  • Choose the feature type to measure, line, thickness, circle, angel, etc, and left click on it. 
  • Measure the feature by placing the cross hair on the desired points and left clicking.  Follow the points of the feature type diagram.  Use those exact points:  2 for a line, 3 for thickness and circle, and 4 for an angel, etc.
  • The measured result will appear on the feature image near where the first point was taken and in the results file. 
  • Note:  Up to six results will show on the results file before they start to roll over.
  • Hint:  To capture results on the image feature, capture the image.  The results file cannot be captured or saved.

 To Calibrate

  • Calibrate using metric standards only, with 0.1 mm or 1.0 mm circular standard only.  When finished, the camera will be calibrated for both metric and English units.
  • Place the selected standard under the lens and select the desired magnification.  Center the image.
  • Left click on the standard size selected, 0.1 mm or 1.0 mm.
  • Hint:  Do Not click on it unless you want to calibrate.  Once you have clicked on it, the existing calibration is erased and you must do another. 
  • Left click on the edge of the standard in 3 equally spaced places. 
  • To save the calibration for future use at the same lens magnification, double right click on the desired calibration file, CF1, CF2 … CF6. 
  • Note:  Up to 6 calibration files can be saved.  They are only useful if you have a lens that can be reset to the exact magnification where the calibration file was made.  In other words, a lens with detent click stops.  The calibration files will be saved even after power down and restart.  The files will be saved for a week or two, so it is best to keep the camera powered up if you want to save the calibration files for a longer time.

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